The Challenge

Extend the useful life of the aircraft through modern flight deck upgrades and updating an FAA STC for approval with Transport Canada.

Our Approach

With our own considerable experience and working with our partner Mid-Canada Mod Center, we helped to update the STC for their installation of a Universal InSight System – the first in Canada.

The Solution

We modified the interface to accommodate the Collins Aerospace radio package, with newer versions on the TAWS (terrain awareness and warning system), EFIS (electronic flight instrument system) and FMS (flight management system).

We also improved the emergency back-up power, and moved the number 1 FMS to the avionics emergency bus for better survivability after a dual generator loss, and updated the standbys to ESIS.

In addition, we developed a Transport Canada STC to approve a certified software upgrade Universal was required to create, plus an STC to install the new MD302 Electronic Standby Instrument.

The Result

A dramatically reduced timeline for Transport Canada’s approval of the original FAA STC.